Thursday February 2, 10:46 p.m.
courtesy of visitPA on Flickr |
Groundhog Day! The one day of the year in which large rodents take over from humans as meteorologists. But just like the weather people, the groundhogs' take on the next 6 weeks varies from place to place.
Wiarton Willie here in
Ontario says it will be an early Spring (note to Willie: it's already here), while the most famous
Punxatawney Pete insists that Winter will keep on going. For me, I'll always rely on a good satellite photo any day.
Well, about a week after having that interview at the school downtown, I actually got a call from my interviewer saying that I have a sub spot for next Monday from 9-12. I'm hoping that she will get back to me about when I can meet the regular teacher to get his notes so that I can peruse them this weekend.
At the same time, my old student, Cozy, has sent me a number of financial reports to translate by the 15th. When it rains, it pours.