Sunday, September 9, 2012


Sunday September 9, 2:25 p.m.

About 24 hours after I got that diagnosis from my doctor about my health, I took that hour-long walk. The weather was good for it: cool, though not Fall cool, sunny and dry. I actually worn a jacket although things were getting a bit sweaty near the end. That should be good news. Actually, the walk turned out to be about 1 hour and 20 minutes, so even better. I ended up walking past the relatively new Japanese-Canadian Cultural Centre on Wynford Dr., west of the Don Valley Parkway. There was some sort of bazaar going on there. I didn't bother checking it out....just walked by. I also passed by the JCCC's old digs which were located east of the DVP. The original structure is still there, but the place has been taken over by the Noor Cultural Centre. I'll have to go visit the new JCCC someday. And if I actually stay on my new regimen, I'll have plenty of opportunities to do so.

Meanwhile, TIFF is in Day 4. And who in da house now? Well, it's The Fresh Prince and Niobe, aka Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. Looks like they had just co-produced a movie that they'd love to show at the festival. Thankfully, Jackie Crandalls didn't suddenly try to kiss Jada. The more and more I see of this TIFF, the more I think this is: A) the cinematic equivalent of a junior high school Open House,  or B) summer camp for celebs. Not sure how long these guys are staying over; I know that the Smiths will be taking off pretty soon. I'm rather intrigued about Tom Hanks' latest called "Cloud Atlas"...although it seems a little too artsy for me, judging from the description I read in Wiki. I kinda wonder how much bigger this Festival is gonna get. In an interview, Hanks, in his own manic way, compared TIFF to Cannes' high-pressure artistry and Venice's foodie paradise as a festival which attracts another type of cinephile...the one that would happily fight over a movie's merits on the streets. Not sure if he was being complimentary or not.