Monday October 15, 1:28 p.m.
Yep, turned the big four-seven today. Nothing to really celebrate about except that I still have a heartbeat and not in any imminent need of medicine to take care of the cholesterol.
Got online and got a number of messages from my translation boss, including a request for me to take care of another assignment. I was willing to tackle it and waited for some more details from him such as the vital files. I stayed online for as long as I could before Dad came home for lunch so I logged off. Came back an hour later to get those files and then a "frantic" mail from him for me to make a decision on it ASAP; I put that word in quotes since he was very polite about it but the tone was in there.
Well, I know that in my short time in it the translation biz can be rather hectic. But frankly I will not be tied down to my laptop eternally, and after checking the files and the due date he proposed, I don't think I would create anything much of the high quality that is needed, so I politely declined. Sometimes, I wonder if he just wants me to decline to check that I am showing some good judgement on accepting/refusing assignments. But in any case, I will assume that I have the day off today. And not a bad day to do so.