Thursday January 3, 9:17 p.m.
Well, the Holidays are finally over. To be honest, they weren't particularly all that festive for me since most of my time is actually spent at home as a translator, in any case. Plus, I didn't put on all those Xmas albums; just a few of them and plus the J-Xmas songs I profiled on my other blog. Mind you, Toronto, and the rest of the hockey-loving nation, may get a very belated Xmas present in the form of the return of the NHL...maybe.
I'm definitely back to work. Since yesterday, I've gotten daily assignments for translation, and my old student, Swank, has been sending me drafts of her application letter to one of the universities in Tokyo for a course that she would like to study. I already got paid for that...pretty generous. It's good to have that feeling of regular work even though I don't have to leave home. The rise in TTC fares doesn't bother me too much since I only go downtown when I want to, not when I have to.
Mind you, Saturday will be a crossover trip for me. I'm heading out to the wilds of Mississauga for a New Year's party of sorts at my friend's place. It's potluck and games; I think I can handle the latter but not sure what I can bring for food.